Shaking it up- Are meal replacement shakes a healthy option for us?

meal replacement

Meal replacement shakes come at a high price and promise great results so are they worth the price we pay? In today’s article we’ll delve into the ingredients added to meal replacement shakes that may be doing your body more harm than good.Meal replacement shakes are usually processed products that people drink in place of eating one of their main meals. Dieters, the elderly, busy people on the go with little time to cook or those with digestive complaints are most likely to use meal replacement shakes. In the short…

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

To fast or not to fast….understanding intermittent fastingOver the past few years intermittent fasting has become increasingly popular, but is it good for us?Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves periods of food restriction (fasting) followed by normal eating. Interestingly this pattern of eating has been proven to help in weight loss, disease prevention and increasing the lifespan (1, 2).Experts seem to agree that it is more beneficial for metabolism than overall daily calorie restriction which may decrease metabolism (3).The following is an article written by Kris Gunnars who investigates…

Stress and its Effects on the Thyroid

stress and thyroid

Are you under stress and feel as though your metabolism is slowing down?Your thyroid may be affected as a response to chronic stress. When we are under prolonged levels of stress we will begin to experience multiple system issues, one of these is a change in our metabolism and consequent weight gain particularly around our midsection. We may also begin to feel puffy and fatigued. Due to the complexity of the thyroid I have only looked at a snap shot on what may be happening to your thyroid as a result…

5 Ways Alcohol Hinders Fat Loss!


  Many people enjoy alcohol’s sedating influence and use it as part of our society’s traditions. Here, David Robson, has put together details about alcohol and explains the main concerns, how it is processed and more ALCOHOL SUPPLIES EMPTY CALORIES: CALORIES WITHOUT NUTRITION Alcohol use – as a well-established part of human culture – is something that has become almost as acceptable as eating and breathing. As a social facilitator and feel good drug of choice for many, alcohol is very popular indeed, with consumption at mass levels. However, alcohols well-documented deleterious…

Overweight, stressed, fatigued and can’t lose weight?

Chronically elevated cortisol

Chronically elevated cortisol could be the culprit. Chronic stress is something most of us are dealing with in today’s fast paced lifestyle. Juggling family, work, travel, partners working away, no partner, finances, school and physical activity all increase the release of cortisol, a steroid hormone. Cortisol is produced from cholesterol in the adrenal glands and under normal circumstances is released when we wake, exercise or are under acute stress. Prolonged high levels of stress and chronically elevated cortisol can have deleterious effects on weight, immune function, and chronic disease risk.The following…