Dietary Supplements and Ergogenic Aids

A minefield for athletesSports supplementation is an ever growing industry and as athletes we are enticed by very clever marketing strategies and testimonials.  Internationally athletes using sports supplementation is estimated to be as high as 89% with the majority of consumers being elite athletes and older athletes. Unfortunately the manufacturing and marketing of supplements is not regulated leaving athletes vulnerable to false advertising and misleading claims.Almost every athlete wants the extra edge to improve performance and are motivated to use supplementation to enhance performance and recovery, increase energy, prevent illness and…

Nutrition for Peak Performance

Nutrition for athletes

Athletes are often so keen to see results that they will go to all lengths in their attempts to succeed. However sometimes this can result in inflexible training regimes and strict dietary plans which may lead to being miserable and possibly not functioning optimally leading to poor performance. A flexible, open minded, science-backed approach is the best way to see nutritional and performance- based success. While nutrition by itself is important, it may have the greatest performance impact by allowing athletes to train consistently. Proper nutrition during the recovery period…