Sweet Potato Fries

Sweet potato fries

Sweet potatoes are delicious and nutritious, packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre. Sweet potatoes give you energy, are great for eyes and skin, immune system, bones and teeth, healthy blood, muscle function and the conversion of stored carbohydrates and fats into energy. Sweet potatoes make a great fuel for ultra distance events and a post-workout meal. Pictured is a homegrown organically grown beauty with recipe for Sam’s delicious fries. Chop Sweet potato into fries then toss in coconut oil. Fry or bake until crisp and golden and soft in the…

Strawberry Nice Cream

Try this recipe for a healthy sweet treat when you are in the mood for ice-cream. This also serves as a great dessert on a heavy training day. Ingredients 1 3/4 cups frozen strawberries (organic, if possible) 1 frozen banana 1/4 cup full-fat coconut milk Method Put all of the strawberry nice cream ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until completely smooth, thick and creamy like soft-serve ice cream. Depending on the strength of your blender, you may need to wait 5–10 minutes for the ingredients to…

Testosterone and Endurance


 What can lower testosterone and what we can do about it naturally? Low Testosterone as a result of endurance trainingLow levels of testosterone can lead to poor muscle mass development, increased body fat stores, compromised athletic performance, reproductive issues and low libido.Endurance exercise can contribute to lowered levels of testosterone in men and can affect other important hormones in women. Many of us are avid exercisers that love endurance training so what can we do to ensure that our testosterone and other hormone levels are optimised?Exercise stress on androgen hormonesStudies consistently…

Metabolism and Nutrition – Part 2


In last week’s blog we looked at the science behind metabolism. This week we’ll look at how we can boost our metabolism in our daily diet.Metabolism Boosting Ideas for our Daily DietThe following are some ideas of how you can incorporate the sirtuin activating foods and niacin rich foods into your daily diet: • Use olive oil in salad dressings. • Have a jar of olives handy to snack on and add olives to salads or cooked dishes. Tapenade makes a good topping for oat cakes or rye bread. • Swap…

Metabolism and Nutrition

Nutrition and MetabolismWhat do you think of when you hear the word “metabolism”?Weight loss, energy, getting older? The term is used in many contexts…but what does it really mean? One authoritative definition of metabolism is the following:“The whole range of biochemical processes that occur within a living organism. Metabolism consists of anabolism (the build-up of substances) and catabolism (the break-down of substances). The term metabolism is commonly used to refer specifically to the break-down of food and its transformation into energy.”So what does that mean? It means metabolism is the body’s process…

Fluid and Electrolytes for Endurance – Kokoda Challenge

fluid and electrolytes

Are you aware of your fluid and electrolytes? By drinking regularly during exercise, athletes can prevent declines in concentration and skill level, improve perceived exertion, prevent excessive elevations in heart rate and body temperature and improve performance – good justification for every athlete and coach to make fluid replacement a key priority during training and competition. It is very difficult to replace all fluid lost whilst exercising, due to the volume of sweat, as well as time cost of consuming fluid.  Athletes need to regularly plan and practice fluid intake…

Fuelling for Endurance- Kokoda Challenge

Fuelling Endurance

 by Delina Rahmate BHSc Nutritional Medicine www.delina.com.auIn recent years there have been several changes in the way that we see carbohydrates in everyday use and in our training diet which for most people is very confusing. Should we avoid carbohydrates, what type should we have and are they as fattening as what we are hearing? What should we be eating when we are fuelling for endurance in the Kokoda Challenge?As athletes, beginners to advanced,  our carbohydrate needs are not static, in fact they change on a daily basis according to…

Nutrition for Peak Performance

Nutrition for athletes

Athletes are often so keen to see results that they will go to all lengths in their attempts to succeed. However sometimes this can result in inflexible training regimes and strict dietary plans which may lead to being miserable and possibly not functioning optimally leading to poor performance. A flexible, open minded, science-backed approach is the best way to see nutritional and performance- based success. While nutrition by itself is important, it may have the greatest performance impact by allowing athletes to train consistently. Proper nutrition during the recovery period…