Fluid and Electrolytes for Endurance – Kokoda Challenge

fluid and electrolytes

Are you aware of your fluid and electrolytes? By drinking regularly during exercise, athletes can prevent declines in concentration and skill level, improve perceived exertion, prevent excessive elevations in heart rate and body temperature and improve performance – good justification for every athlete and coach to make fluid replacement a key priority during training and competition. It is very difficult to replace all fluid lost whilst exercising, due to the volume of sweat, as well as time cost of consuming fluid.  Athletes need to regularly plan and practice fluid intake…

5 Ways Alcohol Hinders Fat Loss!


  Many people enjoy alcohol’s sedating influence and use it as part of our society’s traditions. Here, David Robson, has put together details about alcohol and explains the main concerns, how it is processed and more ALCOHOL SUPPLIES EMPTY CALORIES: CALORIES WITHOUT NUTRITION Alcohol use – as a well-established part of human culture – is something that has become almost as acceptable as eating and breathing. As a social facilitator and feel good drug of choice for many, alcohol is very popular indeed, with consumption at mass levels. However, alcohols well-documented deleterious…

Nutrition for Peak Performance

Nutrition for athletes

Athletes are often so keen to see results that they will go to all lengths in their attempts to succeed. However sometimes this can result in inflexible training regimes and strict dietary plans which may lead to being miserable and possibly not functioning optimally leading to poor performance. A flexible, open minded, science-backed approach is the best way to see nutritional and performance- based success. While nutrition by itself is important, it may have the greatest performance impact by allowing athletes to train consistently. Proper nutrition during the recovery period…